Player Sponsorship

Take the opportunity to get your business behind your favourite player/s at SPFC. Our Player Corporate Sponsorship is designed for like-minded business and community leaders to show their support for SPFC and its men and women. Your investment will help to directly impact the growth and development of SPFC.

$250 per annum

$275 incl. GST


Corporate Benefits

  • Business promotion through SPFC social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram & Twitter 2x per season;

  • Business promotion on the SPFC website;

  • Quarter page advertisement within the 2020 Surrey Park Business Network Directory;

  • Match Day Benefits

  • Complimentary Panther Membership

  • Invitations to special match day sponsorship functions;


$250 per annum

The cost of the sponsorship package is $100 inclusive of GST. In addition, the Player Corporate sponsors are requested to make a voluntary, tax deductible donation of $150 p.a., in support of our Player Welfare Project registered with the Australian Sports Foundation. All donated funds will be allocated specifically to the future development of the Surrey Park Football Club and its wider community.